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DMBE Certified Women Owned

Advanced Concrete Foundations Inc. has been pouring concrete walls since it was founded in 1989. Over the years we have encountered every imaginable job from typical residential foundations to bridge abutments; our experience allows us to bring a level of professionalism to each job that's unrivaled in our industry. Our salesmen will meet you on site and go over your plans thoroughly to insure that your job, from start to finish, flows smoothly. We possess both the technology and the accumulated knowledge to answer any questions and solve any field problem accurately and efficiently.

The process of installing walls hasn't changed much, in theory, for thousands of years, but the technology used to complete that process, on the other hand, changes constantly. At Advanced Concrete Foundations we invest in technology; that investment is what allows us to be more efficient and accurate than our competitors. Instead of laying out our foundations with the traditional steel tape and plumb bob, we use a Trimble Total Station. The Total Station is able to lay out complex walls, that traditional methods couldn't handle, quickly and extremely accurately (the Total Station is accurate to within 3 millimeters even at 18,040 feet).

Advanced Concrete Foundations Inc.
3798 Three Notch Road
Louisa, VA 23093-2719


Toll Free: 1 - 800 - 545 - 1060

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